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GET TUNED IN: Current shows on PBS that we love - NOHO Senior Arts Colony News


GET TUNED IN: Current shows on PBS that we love

October 28th, 2022

One of the most consistently meaningful sources of educational programming and entertainment is our good friend PBS. Since the 1970s, it has been providing a wide variety of incredible programs for all ages. And there’s no stopping them. Their content is still inspiring, enlightening, and fun to watch. Here are some PBS programs that we’re currently watching at NoHo Senior Arts Colony. We still love Antiques Roadshow. It’s a national treasure, and it’s amazing the treasures that people have in their attics. Finding Your Roots is also a must-watch. It makes the journey of people’s genealogy so intriguing. For those jet setters out there, Rick Steves’ Europe is an easy way to get ideas for a European vacation or a once-in-a-lifetime trip. The food always looks so delicious, and the settings are breathtakingly beautiful! Check out what’s on our local PBS SoCal station right now.